Geoffrey Bawa was Sri Lanka’s most influential 20th-century architect and the late founder of tropical modernism, a style suited to hot climates. Experience his vision in action at Lunuganga, his glorious country home and garden; and the Brief Garden, created by his landscaper brother, Bevis, on this private tour, as well as Bawas’s Colombo Residence/ Museum 11, 33 Lane Bagatelle Rd and The Sri Lankan Parliament building for which he is best known. The Garden tour consists of all the highlights of the Lunuganga Park. Each building, Monument, pot or statue has a meaning, a story behind it. You will enjoy a pure cup of Ceylon tea or coffee during this visit. 1 hour 30 minutes. Admission Ticket Included.
The Sri Lankan Parliament building remains the work that architect Geoffrey Bawa is best known for designing. The parliament building, which was completed in 1982, sits on an artificially-created island built on a purposely flooded marshland just outside the capital Colombo: the visual effect of the structure is that of seeing a grand palace floating on an expansive body of water. A central pavilion (flanked by five smaller ones), each under a separate steel and teak roof covered with patinated copper sheeting, not only makes the asymmetrical complex – inspired by vernacular architecture – a refreshing change from grey governmental structures, but also lend the parliament building the sense of being open to the elements and yet protected from the worst of island weather.